Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Flow With It: A Guide to Period Sex for Women


Periods are a natural and healthy part of a woman's life, but they can sometimes put a damper on intimacy. However, with open communication, understanding, and a few practical tips, period sex can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of period sex, addressing common concerns and providing guidance for women interested in embracing their sexuality during menstruation.

Understanding Menstrual Cycles:

Menstrual cycles vary from woman to woman, but on average, they last about 28 days. The menstrual phase, during which bleeding occurs, typically lasts 3 to 7 days.

Is Period Sex Safe?

Yes, period sex is generally safe and can even have some benefits, such as reduced menstrual cramps and enhanced intimacy. However, it's crucial to communicate with your partner and prioritize mutual comfort and consent.

Tips for Comfortable Period Sex:

Communication: Open and honest communication with your partner is essential. Discuss your desires, boundaries, and any concerns related to period sex.

Hygiene: Both partners should practice good hygiene. Showering before sex can help you both feel fresh and comfortable.

Protection: If you're not trying to conceive, continue using your chosen method of contraception during your period. Remember that it's still possible to get pregnant.

Lubrication: Menstrual blood can reduce natural lubrication, so using water-based or silicone-based lubricants can enhance comfort and pleasure.

Towels or Blankets: Placing a dark-colored towel or blanket beneath you can help ease concerns about potential mess.  There are also PERIOD blankets specifically for this type of activity.  They are washer safe, comfortable and soft and dark colored.

Betty's Toybox has ONE blanket, if you use code LesPlay you can get 10% off 

Amazon ALSO has several different waterproof blankets that are also stain resistant and meant for this kind of play.  But, this is, IMO, the best one you can buy.  

Positioning: Experiment with positions that feel comfortable and minimize discomfort. Some women find that certain positions, like being on top, offer more control and comfort.

Oral Sex: If penetration isn't appealing during your period, you can still enjoy oral sex, manual stimulation, or other forms of intimacy.

Menstrual Products: Tampons, menstrual cups, or soft discs can be worn during sex to reduce bleeding.

Benefits of Period Sex:

Pain Relief: Orgasms can relieve menstrual cramps and provide a natural source of pain relief.

Enhanced Intimacy: Sharing this vulnerable time with your partner can strengthen emotional bonds.

Reduced Stress: Sexual activity releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and improve mood.

Better Sleep: Orgasms can promote relaxation and lead to better sleep, which can be especially helpful during periods.

Aftercare and Cleanup:

After sex, both partners should clean up thoroughly and dispose of any used menstrual products. Remember to communicate and express gratitude for the intimate connection.

Period sex is a personal choice, and there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to intimacy during menstruation. It's all about what feels comfortable and pleasurable for you and your partner. By practicing open communication, prioritizing hygiene, and being mindful of comfort, period sex can be a positive and fulfilling experience that enhances your connection and embraces your body's natural rhythms.

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