Why This Website?

Firstly I just want to say thanks for being here.  I know there are a zillion other websites and hosts but it is (unfortunately) very hard to talk about sex related things without possibly being deleted.  Unfortunately that also means that spaces and sites are limited.  

Supposedly blogger allows sex and sex related content.  Here I am.

My name is Emily.  I am the L in the LGBTQ alphabet! If you want to know more about me you can go to my Public Profile here.  I am definitely not a sexpert, I am definitely not a doctor.  I don't know everything.

But, I like to help, I like being self-aware, I think WOMEN's Sexual Health is important.  Specifically LESBIAN and BISEXUAL sexual health and wellness.

I have been PROUDLY OUT and ABOUT for 20+ years.  I'll probably tell my coming out story on here eventually.

I wanted to start THIS blog because I feel like a lot of the time when we talk about sexual health or sex in general, it's geared towards the two main sexes and the main orientation.  Straight people.  I love you guys, but I really wish MORE things were available when I was confused and scared and had no idea about anything.  

I feel like if I had more knowledge or was taught about girlvgirl sex I probably would have fumbled less, I probably would have been more careful with who I was with and I sure as HECK would have known more about female anatomy - mine and hers.

People always think its funny when THAT statement is brought up.

"You're a female.  You don't need to know sexual anatomy."

Uh.  Excuse me?

Not only should I have known but I wanted to know.  We should explore our bodies.  It shouldn't be frowned upon.  It can make us love ourselves and out bodies more.  It can also help us be better suited for the partners we have in life.  I'm not even just necessarily talking about sex but intimacy too.

I want THIS to be a safe space.  

Learn stuff.  

Ask questions.

Explore your sexuality.

Be nice to each other in the comments.

Check out some of the stuff I post (products, websites, services, etc).

Have fun.

And yes in case you were wondering, I will also be talking about less comfortable (for some of you) topics like different kinds of sex, masturbation, different positions, sex toys you can (and definitely should use as well as some of my favorites!), and more.

Again, thank you for being here, I hope you enjoy your stay.



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